Top 20 famous quotes of Maka Albarn from anime Soul Eater

Maka carries a Grigori soul, which grants her high-speed flying by allowing her to attach wings to Soul’s weapon form. Soul Perception is the capacity to perceive and track other people’s souls, which may also be used to evaluate power based on the amount of the person’s soul. Maka is bright, cheerful, straightforward, confident, smart, and hardworking in comparison to her spouse Soul Eater, who is laid-back, prone to acting on instinct, and impatient. 

“Watch it, or I’ll take your soul!” 

Maka Albarn

“Humph. There’s no way I’ll ever consider you my father.” 

Maka Albarn

“That’s your answer for everything! We have to work together here! & don’t you want to become a death scythe? You have to take this seriously, Soul! This is a witch we’re going up against! Let’s just follow my-” 

Maka Albarn

“You men. All of you, you’re horrible. Cheating on every woman. But you, you I actually decided to trust. I put my faith in you. I can’t believe this. I wish that all of you would just die!” 

Maka Albarn

“He just ate your soul, you goddamn cat! What are you still doing up there?!” 

Maka Albarn

“People need fear to survive. We experience it so we can grow stronger.” 

Maka Albarn

“The legendary super-skill of the Scythe Meister: Witch Hunter!” 

Maka Albarn

“Stop looking at my soul, you creep!” 

Maka Albarn

“They need professional help.” 

Maka Albarn

“I was wondering. Do souls taste good? You seem to like ’em.” 

Maka Albarn

“The 118th rule in the Death Weapon Meister Academy handbook states, ‘In the event of an emergency students are allowed to enter the Death Room without first obtaining permission’.” 

Maka Albarn

“We have to find a way to face this scar.” 

Maka Albarn

“It’s not that you don’t know how to deal with people, it’s just no 1 ever took the time to deal with you.” 

Maka Albarn

“I refuse to let my fear control me anymore.” 

Maka Albarn

“I’m going to become stronger!” 

Maka Albarn

“It doesn’t hurt! It’s not hot! I’m not scared! I will not be beaten!” 

Maka Albarn

“Figure Six Hunter!” 

Maka Albarn

“Papa was only 18 years old when I was born. He used to read a lot of books to me back then.” 

Maka Albarn

“What could that asshole possibly be thinking sending sexy underwear to his own daughter?!” 

Maka Albarn

“What kind of fun does he mean? Just what kind of girl does he think I am!?” 

Maka Albarn

That’s all folks! These were the best famous quotes of Maka Albarn from the Anime Soul Eater. If you know any more awesome quotes do mention them in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!

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