Yuri has the qualities of a charismatic leader, as her dedication and ability to remain calm in the face of adversity have earned her the respect of the rest of the SSS. She is also quite knowledgeable and capable of quickly assessing circumstances and making decisions. Yuri and Hinata are frequently misidentified as a couple. Yuri and Hinata had love feelings in the manga, but not in the anime.

“If only…if only we had more time…. It’s time we parted ways. Goodbye, Kanade.”
Yuri Nakamura
“I only wanted to love you, to make you proud.”
Yuri Nakamura
“But the time I’ve spent with everyone was invaluable. I’m starting to want to follow after everyone.”
Yuri Nakamura

“I mean it was just too unfair! We never did anything wrong. I was confident I was a cool big sister up until that day, but I lost everything I wanted to protect in thirty minutes.”
Yuri Nakamura
“God is so cruel. He stole all my happiness away.”
Yuri Nakamura
“Just give up already. Or do you want my other knife to slice your throat?
Yuri Nakamura

“I said she’s not an Angel. She’s a human, just like us. Didn’t you notice?
Yuri Nakamura
“Are you saying I can be god?
Yuri Nakamura
“That’s right. Our weakness is that we’re utterly stupid.
Yuri Nakamura

“I only have one chance to have my life, and it’s right here. It’s the only life I have. This is my life. I can’t give it to anyone else, It can’t be stolen, I can’t force it on anyone, or forget it, or make it disappear, or trample on it, or laugh it away, or beautify it. I have no choice but to accept this one cruel, meaningless life! That’s why I will fight, and why I will continue fighting.
Yuri Nakamura
“I put a propulsion engine under your seat just in case you messed up.
Yuri Nakamura
“When we were still in the world of living, death was something that came indiscriminately and randomly. So, there was no way to fight it.”
Yuri Nakamura

“What does it mean to be reborn? That isn’t the life I had anymore. It’s someone else’s life and it’s right here. I only get it once. This is my life. I can’t entrust it to someone, I can’t steal a new one, I can’t force it on others, I can’t forget it or erase it. I can’t stomp over it, laugh at it, or beautify it! I can’t anything! I’d have to accept my one shot at life no matter how cruel, merciless, or unfair I thought it was! Sir, don’t you understand? That is why I must fight. I must keep on fighting! Because… because I can never accept that kind of life!”
Yuri Nakamura
“Let me tell you something. Humans don’t even have the patience to wait even ten minutes for something!
Yuri Nakamura
“We have no choice but to accept the one and only life we’re given, no matter how cruel and heartless it might be.
Yuri Nakamura

That’s all folks! These were the best famous quotes of Yuri Nakamura from the Anime Angel Beats. If you know any more awesome quotes do mention them in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!