Shikamaru is one of the most loved characters from Naruto due to his laziness and smart comebacks. So without futher ado here are some amazing quotes from Nara Shikamaru that show you why being lazy is awesome:
“Laziness is the mother of all bad habits. But ultimately she is a mother and we should respect her.”
– Nara Shikamaru
“Someday, I just want to marry a regular girl who isn’t too ugly and not too pretty. Have two children, first a girl, then a boy. Retire after my daughter is married and my son becomes a successful ninja, and spend the rest of my life playing shōgi or Go. Then die of old age before my wife.”
– Nara Shikamaru

“Regardless of our limitations, we can always be of some use. Our power may seem insignificant… but it may just prove to be useful in the grand scheme of things. Stay focused. Never avert your eyes, because if an opening arises, even our insignificant power may be enough to determine the fate of the world. Which is why everyone must stay alert and ready to strike at any moment!”
– Nara Shikamaru
“Oh man… those clouds are so lucky. so free. More to the point, I didn’t feel like doing this in the first place. And I only became a ninja because I thought life would’ve been more interesting as one… I suppose things aren’t gonna be that simple.”
– Nara Shikamaru

“In life, nothing good comes out of hurrying.”
– Nara Shikamaru
“How many times do I have to tell you? The first move is always a feint. It’s the most basic thing, to land a hit with the second move”
– Nara Shikamaru
“When you curse someone, you dig two holes. You know what that means?”
– Nara Shikamaru
“If you curse to kill someone, you also get killed in retribution, that’s why you need two holes for the burial.”
– Nara Shikamaru

“Don’t you think it’s about time for us to be the ones who entrust, not the entrusted. It’s a drag, but I can’t say that.”
– Nara Shikamaru
“I know I usually seem like a pretty lazy guy, but not today. Because now, I’m responsible for your lives too.”
– Nara Shikamaru
“You know what they’re like and you can never figure them out. You never know where you could stand with them. The smallest things could put you in their bad side. Always playing little mind games with you. Trying to make you do what they want. They’re just a big pain basically.”
– Nara Shikamaru
“It’s because we help out when they’re in trouble that we can count on them to come running when we need it.”
– Nara Shikamaru
“I could say I’m not sad, but I’d be lying. The problem is the world won’t let me stay a kid forever, so I can’t lie around crying about it either.”
– Nara Shikamaru
“There’s no advantage to hurrying through life.”
– Nara Shikamaru

“It’s stupid to talk about things you’re not. Be yourself and you’ll be fine.”
– Nara Shikamaru
“It’s not because I’m lazy, it’s just because I don’t care.”
– Nara Shikamaru
“If women made you a better person, I wouldn’t want to know what you were like before”
– Nara Shikamaru

“Ughh. Great. What’s the point in setting the alarm if I’m going to wake up before it goes off? What a total waste. Now I’ve gotta shut it off but I don’t feel like moving. But if I don’t shut it off it will just keep ringing and ringing. Sigh. It makes me tired just thinking about the whole thing. Some mornings are such a drag…”
– Nara Shikamaru
Thats all folks. These were the best Nara Shikamaru Quotes from Naruto that will make you proud of being lazy. If you know any more awesome quotes do mention them in the comment section below.