As Lust the assassin and Envy the shapeshifter (both homunculi) can attest, Roy Mustang is vicious and resourceful, and to his opponents, he is plain terrifying. Roy uses flame alchemy, a unique innovation of Riza Hawkeye’s father, to viciously burn his foes to cinders to conclude a conflict as quickly as possible. Mustang is an exceptionally bright and adaptive character who is outwardly arrogant and playfully manipulating. At the start of the series, Roy was portrayed as a cutthroat careerist and a womanizer, but as the series progressed, his character evolved significantly.

“Any Man Who Has The Brains To Think And The Nerve To Act…”
Roy Mustang
“You Can Call Me Roy Mustang, Or Just Lieutenant Colonel.”
Roy Mustang
“Life That Has Been Lost Cannot Be Brought Back Again.”
Roy Mustang

“My Pawn. My Bishop. My Rook. My Knight.”
Roy Mustang
“The Power Of One Man Doesn’t Amount To Much.”
Roy Mustang

“Dogs Embody Loyalty. They Follow Their Master’s Commands Above All Else!”
Roy Mustang
“You’re thinking on too large a scale there, kid. If we don’t want to drive ourselves crazy, we can only deal with what’s directly in front of us.”
Roy Mustang

“If Your Opponent Is Of Choleric Temper, Seek To Irritate.”
Roy Mustang
“You’re thinking on too large a scale there, kid. If we don’t want to drive ourselves crazy, we can only deal with what’s directly in front of us.”
Roy Mustang
“Killed in action and promoted two ranks for it. Brigadier General Hughes. You were the guy who was supposed to work below me and to push me to the top. Then you get yourself killed and surpass me in the ranks. I don’t know what’s more absurd, you or the State.”
Roy Mustang

That’s all folks! These were the best famous quotes of Roy Mustang from the Anime Fullmetal Alchemist. If you know any more awesome quotes do mention them in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!