Top 10 famous quotes of Asura from anime Soul Eater

Asura’s behavior is incomprehensible; one minute he appears to be calm and collected, and the next he is insane and irrational. Surprisingly, this can be noticed when Asura hides his face; he acts wildly and is unpredictable, making him particularly deadly. Unmasked, he is almost the polar opposite. He adopts a more composed and “reasonable” manner, even expressing sarcasm. He is the Great Old One and the first generation kishin. For Death to be the God of Absolute Order, he was born as Death’s eldest son and as a piece retaining his terror. 

“Imagination is where all our fears originates, it is the mother of terror and mankinds greatest weakness” 


“Life becomes an unsolvable mystery with any number of twists and turns waiting us. And thats enough to fill any soul with terror” 


“Humans domt fear death…. they fear the pain of imagining death” 


“Whats wrong with surrendering to madness…That’s where the true peace is” 


“Oh so its just like madness” 


“Im going to keep fighting until the world is the way it should be. Until the world is balanced” 


“Pain in the present can be dealt with” 


 “I have to say, you’re as reckless now as you always were.” 


“Symmetry is what makes the world beautiful” 


“It’s not necessarily the uncertainty that makes us fearful. It’s more than that. The answers that we imagine are what really frighten us.” 


That’s all folks! These were the best famous quotes of Asura from the Anime Soul Eater. If you know any more awesome quotes do mention them in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!

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