Anime, a form of animation originating from Japan, has gained a massive following around the world. The medium has attracted fans of all ages, genders, and backgrounds, making it a truly global phenomenon. In this article, we will explore the top countries with the most anime fans.

First on the list is Japan, the birthplace of anime. It’s no surprise that the country has the largest number of anime fans, as anime is deeply ingrained in Japanese culture. The industry is a significant part of the country’s entertainment industry, with anime and manga accounting for a significant portion of the Japanese entertainment industry’s revenue. Japan is home to many anime studios and production companies, and the country also hosts several anime conventions such as Comiket, the largest doujinshi fair in the world.
United States

Next, is the United States, which has a large and dedicated anime fan base. The US anime industry has grown significantly in recent years, with more and more anime being licensed and dubbed for the American market. The country is home to several anime conventions such as Anime Expo and Otakon, which draw thousands of attendees each year. The US also has a large number of anime clubs and societies, which provide a platform for fans to share their passion for the medium.

Third on the list is China, which has a rapidly growing anime fan base. The country’s anime industry has grown significantly in recent years, with more and more anime being licensed and dubbed for the Chinese market. China also has a large number of anime conventions and festivals, such as the Shanghai International Animation Festival, which draws thousands of attendees each year. Additionally, anime has also become increasingly popular on Chinese streaming platforms, with many anime series having a massive following in China.
South Korea

Fourth, is South Korea, which has a large and dedicated anime fan base. The country’s anime industry has grown significantly in recent years, with more and more anime being licensed and dubbed for the Korean market. South Korea also has a large number of anime conventions and festivals, such as the Seoul International Animation Festival, which draws thousands of attendees each year. Additionally, anime has also become increasingly popular on Korean streaming platforms, with many anime series having a massive following in South Korea.

Fifth, is France, which has a large and dedicated anime fan base. The country’s anime industry has grown significantly in recent years, with more and more anime being licensed and dubbed for the French market. France also has a large number of anime conventions and festivals, such as the Japan Expo, which draws thousands of attendees each year. Additionally, anime has also become increasingly popular on French streaming platforms, with many anime series having a massive following in France.
Other countries that have a significant anime fan base include Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain, Russia, and the United Kingdom. These countries have a large number of anime conventions and festivals, anime clubs and societies, and anime streaming platforms, which provide a platform for fans to share their passion for the medium.
In conclusion, anime has a massive following around the world, with fans of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. The top countries with the most anime fans include Japan, the United States, China, South Korea, and France. These countries have a large number of anime conventions and festivals, anime clubs and societies, and anime streaming platforms, which provide a platform for fans to share their passion for the medium. Additionally, the anime industry in these countries has grown significantly in recent years, with more and more anime being licensed and dubbed for the local market.