As well as a variety of other explanations, I’m sure you could come up with. In comparison to black/brown hair, there aren’t as many blue-haired anime heroines as there are black/brown-haired anime characters. That is something I don’t believe anyone can refute. Here’s a list of 34 anime females with blue hair that has some of the greatest features, charisma, and personality.

Esdeath was a vicious, brutal, and violent individual who lacks empathy for those she considers weak, although appearing to care about those who worked for her. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.

Yoshino is a bashful yet nice little girl who is significantly more docile than the other spirits. She and “Yoshinon” are her two personalities. Yoshino’s other identity, “Yoshinon,” appears in the form of her puppet speaking using ventriloquism and was constructed to assist her cope with the difficulties of being sought by the AST. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Asuna Yuuki

Before meeting Kirito, Asuna was unconcerned about dying in the game. Asuna’s personality and view on life were profoundly altered as a result of that interaction. Asuna soon takes most of what Kirito says to heart and turns to him for assistance, using him as a sort of lifeline. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Rika Furude

Rika’s cuteness fades as she reveals her True Personality, and she becomes jaded, apathetic, and more adult. She changes her pronouns from “Boku” to “Watashi,” and her voice changes to that of a mature woman. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Chizuru Aizawa

Chizuru’s personality is usually reserved and quiet. She is generally seen with a smile on her face and takes most events in stride. Chizuru, on the other hand, can become incredibly frightening and spooky if something happens that she does not agree with. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Sayaka Maizono

Sayaka has a bright, kind, lively, and supportive nature, displaying a kind temperament and nice disposition, yet it is unknown if this is solely due to her idol status. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Yukino Agria

Yukino is shown as a confident young lady. She has a strong belief in her powers as a Mage and is proud to be a part of Sabertooth, even putting her life on the line for it. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Juvia Lockser
Juvia is first seen with an apathetic expression, appearing more isolated from everyone, including members of the Phantom Lord Guild. She becomes a happy person after joining Fairy Tail. Juvia is so enamored with Gray Fullbuster that she considers anyone who exhibits admiration for him a rival. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Squid Girl

Squid Girl has ten tentacles extending from the top of her head that she may use to pick up objects and attack from a distance. They have a very long range and have been used to save individuals from drowning in the seas. She also plays baseball and volleyball with them. Goro Arashiyama referred to them as “all-purpose tentacles.” She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Konata Izumi

Konata is a naughty, caustic, and eccentric, yet good-natured and sociable girl who is incredibly brilliant but lethargic, which explains her poor grades. She always makes fun of her friends, such as asking if they like someone. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.

Bulma has a volatile personality that is both tomboyish and girly at the same time. She is known for her extraordinary intelligence, but she is also spoilt and egotistical, using her wonderful attractiveness to justify her selfish actions. Her selfishness prevented her from riding the Flying Nimbus. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Levy McGarden

Levy has a happy and energetic demeanor, and as such, she gets along pretty well with her guildmates. Her gentle nature can be shown in her refusal to participate in the guild’s many brawls since she is too nice to fight “simply for fun.” She is also a very forgiving person, having reconciled with Gajeel Redfox at the commencement of the Fairy Tail for abusing her and her friends. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Kotomi Ichinose

Kotomi is a quiet, reserved young lady who struggles to communicate with people. She looks to Tomoya for assistance with her social skills. Kotomi can also play the violin, however, she usually makes a terrible sounds. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Umi Sonoda

Umi possesses the characteristics of a Yamato Nadeshiko or a proper and conventional Japanese lady. As a result, she is generally shy while interacting with strangers. Even among people with whom she is at ease, she appears to be reserved by default unless provoked. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Shino Asada

Sinon’s personality is best described by two words: calm and cool. She maintains a calm head in battle and for the majority of the game, which makes other female players admire her. Sinon, on the other hand, has a violent temper when enraged, as evidenced by her confrontations with Kirito. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Wendy Marvell

Wendy is a shy and courteous young lady. Carla, her Exceed companion, is usually with her, as they have an extremely tight bond. She is eager to meet new people and establish new acquaintances. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.

Rem tends to speak in a superficially nice manner and to act rashly at times. She feels both reverence for the place of worship and guilt toward her sister for a prior occurrence. Rem used to think of herself as inferior because of her respect and shame for her sister. She falls completely in love with Subaru after he saves her and becomes one of his most devoted followers. Rem will stand with him no matter what, even if Subaru rejects him. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Aki Adagaki

Aki is noted for having a nasty disposition that humiliates boys by giving them derogatory or cruel nicknames in front of the entire school, and she hurts others to avoid hurting herself. She despises boys and often scares them away, earning her the moniker “The Brutal Princess” or “The Cruel Princess.” She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Rikka Takanashi

She, unlike Yuuta, is still suffering from eighth-grade syndrome. Rikka believes she is a sorceress who has been possessed by a “Tyrant’s Eye” (Wicked Eye) that can reveal fates. She covers her right eye with an eyepatch to protect her “Tyrant’s Eye.” Those who have seen her “Tyrant’s Eye” are deemed to have signed a contract with her. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Saya Sasamiya

Saya appears tired, yet she is far more bright and intelligent than she appears. She, on the other hand, has a poor sense of direction. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Nagahide Niwa

Niwa Nagahide had an honest personality and basic desires. He acted humanely whenever possible and is thought to have aided Nobunaga with his political acumen. He is also linked to a fascinating episode described in the Nobunaga Ki. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Akiko Minase

Akiko is a nice and compassionate girl who is an excellent cook. She is particularly proud of her unique mystery jam, which no one enjoys. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Mai Kawasumi

Mai is typically seen to be bashful and silent. She only speaks to Sayuri Kurata (Mai’s best friend) throughout the majority of the series. Mai is also shown to be a voracious eater, despite the fact that she never gains weight. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Ami Mizuno

Ami is shown as a sweet, kind, polite, supportive, and loyal young woman who is slightly insecure. She first depends on the advice of her mother, peers, and professors. Ami grows stronger and more confident as the series proceeds. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.

Karura is a very curious, autonomous person who goes off to explore wherever she wants on a whim. She has gotten infatuated with Tokita Ohma to stalker-like proportions after sensing his enormous strength and boldly tells him that she wants his children. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Umi Ryuuzaki

Despite her stunning model-like appearance, Umi is short-tempered, arrogant, and dubious at times. Umi, who isn’t afraid to speak her thoughts, might come across as selfish at times. She does, however, genuinely care about her pals. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Sayaka Miki

Sayaka is a tomboy who acts heroically. She is committed to her friends, notably when she immediately makes the deal and saves Madoka. Sayaka does, however, have a strong girlish side, since she enjoys classical music and is quite interested in romance. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Ryuko Matoi

Ryko has a straightforward personality: he is fierce and obstinate. She has little fear, as evidenced by her direct and contemptuous address to Satsuki Kiryin, demanding that her questions be addressed, and her fight with Takaharu Fukuroda despite being outmatched.

Yuzuha is a sweet young lady who is bedridden due to an undisclosed illness. Despite her limitations, she maintains a happy and upbeat attitude. She despises being a burden because of her illness. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Suzuno Kamazuki

Suzuno initially seems to the demons of Villa Rosa Sasazuka as a friendly and caring neighbor, frequently doing tasks around the Devil’s Castle and cooking for them, even donating a large box of udon noodles to them as a housewarming present. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Nayuki Minase

One of her distinguishing characteristics is that she speaks slower than the other characters. She frequently informs Yuichi of the obvious, such as when lunch is served or when school concludes. Also, when Yuichi breaks a promise he made to her, she frequently refers to him as a liar. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Mio Nishizono

Midori Nishizono is Mio Nishizono’s forgotten imagined sister who comes to life in the artificial world. Mio is a calm and conscientious young lady. Because of her poor health, she is always seen outside with a parasol. She is one of the top blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy.
Mikoto Suo

Mikoto is a pleasant and happy person most of the time, but she is quick to react when irritated and will not hesitate to beat up a guy if he attempts something nasty, which is often the case, given the extraordinary size of her breasts, which appear to be the largest in school. However, despite her cute and feminine appearance, she is incredibly tough and fearless, since she would stand up to anyone who attempts to hurt or make fun of her companions, or whenever she senses injustice, regardless of who her opponent is.
Princess Lenessia

Raynesia, the daughter of a high-ranking noble family, appears to be the model princess: graceful, soft-spoken, and well-mannered. She is aware of how her external look reflects not only on herself, but also on her entire household, and she goes to great lengths to appear immaculate in the eyes of high society to maintain her family name.
Medaka Kurokami

Her personality is one of service to others, and she is driven to complete any duty assigned to her from the suggestion box. Medaka purchases a flower vase for each duty she completes. Medaka adores animals, but they are scared of her, causing her to experience periods of despair when an animal rejects her.
Ryoko Hakubi

Ryoko is an extremely emotional person, which is one of her most notable character features. She is quickly irritated and quite short-tempered. She is also incredibly vulgar and sexual, particularly with Tenchi.
Ika Musume

Ika Musume, as someone who comes from the sea, is ignorant of most human customs. She is obsessed with demonstrating her powers, which she believes humanity cannot match.
Nymph “Beta”

Nymph’s original objective was to find Ikaros and return her to Synapse, but she is physically weaker than her and fails the job after waking Ikaros’s Uranus Queen ability, for which she is severely tortured and humiliated. She comes to like humans after spending time with Tomoki and his friends, and she quickly develops feelings for Tomoki, albeit in an aloof manner.
Erio Touwa

She has had an odd personality since the beginning. However, once she admitted that she was not an extraterrestrial, she began to reveal some of her true self: she is extremely shy.
Ami Kawashima

Ami appears nice, polite and kind to the people she encounters at first, yet she may be awkward at times. In truth, her clumsiness is a ruse to manipulate others while concealing her arrogance and self-centeredness.

Eureka’s personality changes based on the continuity, especially in A Pocketful of Rainbows. Because her and Renton’s roles are flipped, Eureka is portrayed as violent, impetuous, and ill-tempered, in stark contrast to her calm and restrained series counterpart.
Stocking Anarchy

Stocking is more level-headed than her sister, preferring to focus on her aim rather than on little details. She does, however, have a strong preference for sweets, especially since she rarely gains weight from them (She says the weight goes to her breasts).
Kaname “Kana” Chidori

Kaname behaves like a normal tsundere. While Sousuke’s battle sense generally saves her from deadly situations, she often views his insights to be an annoyance in daily high school events, resulting in a plethora of humorous scenarios.
Sayaka Miki

Sayaka is a tomboy who acts heroically. She is committed to her friends, notably when she immediately makes the deal and saves Madoka. She does, however, have a strong girlish side, since she enjoys classical music and is quite interested in romance.

Shiro is portrayed as a genius in logic and problems but struggles with emotions and behavior, relying on Sora to assist her to defeat emotional beings such as Tet in their chess match. She also rarely expresses emotion and, despite her brilliant intellect, speaks in short, terse words and the third person.
Rei Ayanami

Rei is socially reclusive, seemingly emotionless, and seldom interacts with anyone at the start of the series, except Gendo, to whom she first demonstrates loyalty but with whom she has a usually distant relationship. She lives alone in Tokyo-3 in a drab, barely equipped apartment.

Rem tends to speak in a superficially nice manner and to act rashly at times. She feels both reverences for the place of worship and guilt toward her sister for a prior occurrence. She used to think of herself as inferior because of her respect and shame for her sister.
Hinata Hyuga

Hinata is modest, timid, soft-spoken, considerate, polite, and uses proper name suffixes. She is gentle, which Neji used to think was a weakness, and she dislikes competing and battling. Hinata lacks self-confidence, maybe as a result of her father’s disdain for her, although she is extremely hardworking.
Hatsune Miku

Hatsune Miku is a typical cheerful adolescent pop diva. As the most popular Vocaloid, she sings the broadest variety of songs, making her personality difficult to pin down. But she’s generally seen with a smile on her face. Kagamine Rin/Len: Rin is frequently shown as loud, exuberant, fun-loving, and, at times, obstinate or selfish.
That’s all folks! These are the top 50 blue-haired girls that will make you go crazy. If you know any more blue hair anime girls do mention them in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!
Also, check out: Top 24 white-haired anime girls you will fall in love with